The conclusion of the second edition was an exhibition entitled Intimate Rituals, which showcased artistic and research projects realised during several months of work.

The exhibition, entitled Intimate Rites, presents the works of three young women artists from Wrocław, who in their practice express very specific and already formed creative attitudes. These are not, however, uncompromising attitudes, but have a clear problem-solving foundation, which is characterised by a sharpened sense of observation, open-mindedness and, perhaps most importantly, a stable foundation grounded in experience. And even though the art they create differs significantly in terms of aesthetics, but also in the manner of their impact, a skilled viewer, reaching back to their roots, as it were, will easily find the common features that link them, which we can call artistic igniters.

Award-winning artists: Aneta Lewandowska, Viktoriia Tofan
Distinction: Emilia Marcjasz


Intimate rituals
Aneta Lewandowska / Emilia Marcjasz / Viktoriia Tofan
Curator: Kama Wróbel
Duration: 05.04.-08.05.2022

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